Sacred water cleanse.

Product Overview

Water has long been revered as having immense healing properties, ever since the time of the Ancient Greeks. Used in spiritual ceremonies as part of a scared cleansing ritual to help clean both the physical body and the spirit, it is used to communicate the sacred value of life, the spiritual dimension of purification, whilst offering healing and protection for the physical, subtle and karmic body.

Our imagination is an unfathomly powerful tool for envisioning, and generation a felt response within the body, which in turn, helps to shift our state of mind. If we can not physically reach water, envisioning that we are submerged in water - believe it or not - still has a potent healing impact upon our mind-body-spirit system. 

This gentle guided visualisation and meditation will help you plug into the energetic frequency and power that water holds, using deep imaginings to make you feel as if you are submerged in sacred, healing waters.

Listen on a daily basis to help relieve stress, ease anxiety, and access a deep sense of tranquility.
