Understanding the three stages of a man’s evolution : There are three primary stages that a man moves through on his journey into manhood, his masculine energy matures and evolves in a specific manner. Throughout boyhood, his energy begins to rise and build from his root, which is the place within which we hold raw, primal, life-force and vitality, which contains a reservoir of the energy we need to grow into each phase of our existence. When he reaches adolescence he begins to experience that energy more viscerally, up until early manhood in which he is then challenged to work with this energy in order to harness it consciously towards pursuits that will serve his wellbeing and growth. Because modern living has disconnected most men and women from knowing how to direct and use their primal energy efficiently, the common tendency is to burn through our vital reserves of energy, long before we’re into our early thirties. Our vital energy is designed to be used consciously, and sparingly, rather than scattered and spilt through the over consumption of foods, and addictions to pursuits which squander our precious energy. In the case of men, not only does this result in the deterioration of a man’s sexual health leading to poor sperm quality and erectile dysfunction, it also deeply hinders and impacts his mental and emotional wellbeing. For this reason, it is extremely important to understand the three stages of your energetic evolution and begin consciously assessing where you are over-spending your energy and how you can utilise it with more care.