Our body is our gateway to joy, pleasure & abundance

It goes without saying that health is wealth. Our body is our gateway to abundance and our greatest potential and creative visions for this life. Therefore, learning to listen to the body is a vital practice that initiates powerful healing.

Without the radiance of health, we feel depleted, disembodied, and starved of our power. Rather than feeling at home in our own body, we feel as if we have been misplaced within a strange land, far away from the peace and ease we yearn to embody. I knew that in order to achieve the multitude of dreams & visions within my heart and reclaim my power and my capacity to open and receive the blessings and abundance available, I needed to prioritise healing my body and emotions above all else.

Through my own journey, I came to understand that when we abandon our feminine rhythms and desires, overtime everything suffers. A woman’s state of health is intimately connected and interlinked to everything else she does. So when her health suffers, so does her creativity, productivity, relationships and deeper yearnings + visions for life. But when she re-align with our highest expression of health, she becomes an absolutely unstoppable force, and a marvel of boundless creative expression whose joy and radiance lights the world..

Helping you transform your relationship with your body and develop lasting health...

After overcoming a fair share of adversities in my life (including battling with several chronic health issues & healing deep-rooted cultural, preferable, childhood trauma) I discovered the infinite power of ancient holistic healing which led me on an intense six year journey of entering deeply into the layers within my own body and psyche to begin uncovering the dense and dormant layers of trauma and unprocessed emotional wounds largely contributing towards the chronic pain, mental imbalance and spiritual suffering I had endured for as long as I can remember. Later in my healing journey, after a powerful holistic healing treatment with a gifted practitioner, I came to learn of how early adverse childhood experiences can significantly increase the risk of chronic illness, mental illness, and a host of imbalances later on into adulthood. In-spite of having experimented with a number of healing modalities including reiki, kinesiology, homoeopathy, cold water exposure, shamanic journeying, breath-work, and talk therapy, It was only once I stumbled upon the healing power of Ancient healing systems such as Ayurveda, Somatic therapy, Embodiment practises and Shadow-work, that I began to see deep results in my own life which not only shifted pent-up patterns of low-self esteem, deep rage, fear and shame, but also provided me with tremendous insight into how every single experience we have ever had from the moment of our birth until now, shapes the physiology of our brain and our whole being. So much of what we refer to as ‘us’ is actually a consequence of deep trauma-imbued conditioning and inhibiting, disempowering beliefs that limit us from accessing our full capacity to feel, to experience, to express, to create and forge healthy and intimate relations with our loved ones.

Prior to developing a deeply intuitive and aligned connection with my body, I had no idea of how powerfully these patterns of trauma and conditioning lodged within my body had contributed to a lifetime of dysfunctional relationships, serious work-addiction tendencies, self-depreciation and the inability to form lasting connections with people, along with the inability to fully manifest my dreams to fruition because so much of my vital energy was literally stuck and devoting itself towards protecting me from anymore of the harm I had been exposed to as a child and an adolescent. I went through the long and arduous process of meeting with one ‘healer’ after the next in an effort to resolve my pain, many of whom were ill-equipped to support someone who required safe space holding in order to begin exploring the depths of her inner world. But eventually I aligned with sev

Through my own experience of working with a somatic therapist and embodiment practitioners over the past two years, I’ve come to learn precious and valuable insights about the human nervous system, how it processes and stores information, and what we need, as beings with resilient but also fragile physical containers which have been overly-exposed to the violence and aggression that permeates our world. Our body is designed to heal, and when it doesn’t, it’s because there is a blockage in our energy system which overrides our nervous system’s capacity to face whatever unresolved issues we are still holding in our mind-body system. Since our mind’s primary concern is to keep us safe, whenever we lack the tools or knowledge of how to move through an energetic block within our system, our nervous system contains the block instead and overtime, we begin to weaken and tire from all the energy being spent on holding such a mammoth amount of unresolved energetic imprints within our system. There are twelve principal meridians in our body - channels of energy. Whenever one or more of these becomes blocked, it obstructs the flow of energy moving through our system, and in turn this can manifest as anything from chronic fatigue, digestive issues, migraines, hormonal imbalances, to mental illness. As energy beings, learning how to work with our nervous systems so we can circulate our energy around the body directing it into the places without our systems where there are blockages, stagnation and a lack of energy is an essential practice we need to implement into our everyday life. The more vitality we have circulating in our system, the more stamina and resilience we have to meet and navigate our way through life’s adversities with the strength and fortitude to recover and transform. This is something that the oldest holistic healing sciences in the world such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese medicine and Taoism all understood…

And this is where I come into the picture. As a Chopra trainer wellness consultant, an intuitive healer, and someone with almost a decade of personal experience on trauma-healing, I combine embodiment work and ancient medicine with modern day healing modalities to help women begin uncovering the depth of power that lies at the centre of their being - which in turn, transforms our lives, for our body is a storehouse that contains all of our hidden potential and talents as much as it does our past injuries and wounds. As someone with significant experience and understanding of how physical, emotional and mental imbalance manifest within our systems, I possess the ability to understand where each individual person is blocking access to their own vitality from living out of alignment with their unique constitutional needs, and how to help them find equilibrium and gradually restore themselves to balance. Intuitively speaking, I am able to understand a lot about a person's tendencies, patterns, blocks to better health. In picking up the subtle or gross signs of misalignment within their energy field,, I am able to provide them with the insights, advice and practical tools on how to support their body to return to homeostasis.

My intention is to help people understand the power that they contain for self-healing through aiding them to establish the habits, lifestyle, beliefs that will build a strong and wholesome foundation for their existence, whilst developing awareness around anything that might be sabotaging their ability to reach the state of health and wholeness that they desire. Contrary to the mainstream narrative around healing, we do not need to adopt a daily breath work practise, meditate for half an hour daily, adopt the perfect diet, a strict exercise regiment, perform one hour of yoga and buy a collection of the most potent gut-healing and vitamin infused supplements in order to heal. In truth, we only need to find one or two practises and then commit to them whole-heartedly in order to witness transformation, and although all of these devotions towards tending to our health certainly contain potent healing medicine, my job is to simplify wellness, so that the journey of healing becomes a deep exploration of our potential, and whilst aiding us to cultivate balance and harmony within the mind-body system and discover what we are truly capable of accomplishing and actualising in this lifetime when we are living in alignment with our inherent mind-body blueprint.