My business is founded upon the principle that every single individual on this planet contains their own unique and extraordinarily powerful biological-psychological-spiritual blueprint that represents the total sum of who we are as an individual. Our blueprint determines our unique constitutional mind-body tendencies as well as our character and personality. In order to cultivate true wellness, we need to align with the profound intelligence working hard to sustain the health of our own mind-body system. When we do this, we not only heal, but we radically alter the course of our future, and as a result, we are able to thrive and achieve a level of wellness, harmony, joy and equilibrium previously only imagined. I have witnessed the remarkable change that occurred at a physical, emotional and spiritual level of my being when I began to apply the healing wisdom of ancient holistic systems combined with the power of somatic and embodiment work. Our body is designed to heal, and everything in nature is constantly moving towards balance. When we understand the laws of nature and that our relationship as beings with bodies and minds that contain the same innate wisdom and intelligence, we recognise that living a life of abundance and balance is not only a possibility, it is our absolute birthright.

The offerings that I have created are born out of reverence and awe for the immense power each woman contains, motivating me to create a system that enables my clients to achieve greater vitality and equilibrium in their own lives. Each offering is designed to guide and empower women by providing them with knowledge that will enable them to develop an intimate and intuitive relationship with their own body and emotional needs. Through applying the correct techniques and practises that support your unique mind-body type, you can witness truly extraordinary transformation in all areas of your life.

Our health is our currency for wealth and our gateway to abundance. Our body is the portal through which all other forms of expression, achievement and fulfilment are obtained. When we take care of our body, it supports us in achieving everything we could ever dream and more.

This call will give you the opportunity to learn about the methods I use to help people improve their health, and to get a sense of whether I would be a good fit for your requirements and what you aim to achieve. When working with any practitioner, it is vital that you feel comfortable and safe sharing intimate details about your health and trusting that the person is equip to hold safe space and help facilitate your healing. So use this time to explore if I would be a correct fit.

Please note that this offering is only available for women.

This is a 30 minute 1:1 container in which I will assess the most appropriate support you require during this particular time in your life. I work intuitively, which means I will feel into any blocks arising energetically within your system and energy field, and guide you to implement key embodiment practises specifically for your individual needs to help support prominent energetic shifts. Each of us contains a subtle body and a karmic body. Our subtle body stores and contains dense and heavy emotional imprints/traumas, whilst, our karmic body connects us to our soul self and the universe at large. In releasing energetics blocks within the subtle body, we regain access to the power and vitality that lies in all three bodies. Through working to gently and safely release these imprints from the subtle body through somatic and embodiment work, the flow of life within us is gradually restored and our wellbeing and harmony begins to return.

Please note this offer is available for woman only.

In this container, we will discuss any predominant concerns you are struggling with at this time, and wishing to bring resolution to. This container is special in the sense that it gives you a taste of how I work with long-term clients (See Voxer coaching offers) when combining the power of several modalities which include Feminine Embodiment, Somatic awareness, Shadow work and Ayurvedic medicine to bring about whole body healing. We will use a combination of body-mind explorative practises to help uncover root blocks around your most pressing issues, and might focus primarily on using one or two modalities depending on what I feel you require the most at the time. Mind can not be separated from body, so for this reason in order to fully transmute major blocks of resistance and deeply stored emotional patterns and beliefs, both the somatic and subconscious work are required to help superspeed your healing. The integrative power of this container is a gentle but effective way of helping my clients disrupt the pattern of feeling powerless, and begin reclaiming their feminine power to heal, transmute, transform, and bring about tremendous change.

Depending on the client’s needs, I might also implement intuitive guidance during our session to help you work through any energetic blocks currently in your field, helping you tune into your own innate wisdom and access higher intelligence to receive the guidance you need during particular period of your life.

This offering is available for both women and men.

I would suggest a follow up consultation for clients who wish to continue receiving on-going support in their process of embodying some of the practices we may have implemented during our first consultation. Although significant shifts can occur from as little as several sessions, healing is a dynamic and unpredictable process and often when we venture into resolving more deeply rooted patterns, it requires several sessions until we begin to fully integrate what we have absorbed during the first few consultations allowing us to hold greater space for our own transformation and healing.

This offering is available for both women and men.