The ultimate guide to manifestation & abundance


This is a 50 page digital download guide to mastering the spiritual laws of the universe, healing abundance blocks and using visualisations to manifesting your dreams. (Includes Audio files for affirmations & visualisations.)

The beginners guide to ayurveda


A unique 34 page digital download introductory guide to Ayurveda providing top wellness tips on how to apply Ayurveda’s wisdom to your daily routine to maximise your wellbeing.

My self-care journal


This is a 30 page digital download self-care journal with journaling prompts to help you create clarity, balance, structure and greater ease in your day to day life.

A short guide to healing herbs for harmony & peace


This is a short digital download guide that will help familiarise you with the properties of potent healing herbs and medicinal mushrooms, used to boost immunity, vitality, aid digestion and correct imbalance.

The ultimate guide to easy weight loss & perfect digestion


A unique 26 page digital download guide packed full of key action steps for cultivating better digestive health, achieving effortless weight-loss, and correcting imbalances with the body.

The ultimate guide to happy hormones


This is a 20 page comprehensive digital download guide that will provide you with the foundational knowledge required to help you understand your endocrine system and balance your hormones.

5 Day Detox


This is a five day cleanse that features key Ayurvedic principles and provides recipes for three deeply nourishing, cleansing meals a day + recommended herbs and supplements to support the detoxification process.

Applying Ayurveda to your everyday life


This is a companion guide to “the beginners guide to Ayurveda” which offers practical and key steps to help you implement Ayurveda into your everyday life, helping you to experience profound changes in your overall wellbeing.

My self-healing journal & workbook


This is an in-depth 49 page journal and workbook that provides you with all the vital tools needed to begin your self-healing journey and overcome limiting blocks and beliefs.

Affirmations & Guided Visualisations for Manifestation & Abundance.


This product consists of seven gorgeous affirmations and two guided visualisations to support the actualisation of your desires, deeper healing, energetic alignment and increased self-confidence, esteem and self-belief.

Setting intentions for actualising desires


This is a guided visualisation that combines deep self-awareness & shadow work with gentle subconscious inquiry to help you connect to your desires and begin calling them in.

Somatic awareness meditation for soothing the nervous system


This is a beautiful guided somatic meditation to help you ground back into your body and regulate your nervous system for increased calm, better sleep and enhance emotional wellbeing.

Soothing anxiety & boosting confidence.


This is a guided meditation & visualisation to help soothe anxiety and help you meet the body from a place of loving compassionate self-awareness for radical healing to occur.

Clearing & balancing the chakras


Short description : A powerful guided visualisation to help you plug into the hidden power, potential, wisdom and gifts that each of your primary seven energy centres contain.

Restore, Transform, Revitalise


This is a powerful nutritional programme and two-week cleanse designed to reset, cleanse and strengthen your digestive health, whilst providing you with key tools to nourish & support your entire wellbeing.

Affirmations for wealth, success and healing.


A guided audio designed to rewire your subconscious with carefully selected affirmations to encourage wealth+success+ increased confidence. (This audio also features an introductory talk on subconscious re-programming.)

A Guided hypnosis for healing your inner child.


This is a guided hypnosis + healing transmission designed to help you reconnect to your inner child and reunite with your original, authentic blueprint and unique soul essence.

Clearing unwanted energy + retrieving your power.


A guided visualisation designed to help you move through stubborn/challenging energetic blocks within the subtle body, whilst severing chords with any person or experience that you might still contain an attachment towards. A powerful tool to help shift negative states of being.

Deep sleep (For night-time anxiety & insomnia).


This is a gentle yet highly effective guided hypnosis to help you drop into deeply restorative sleep by encouraging the production of 'Delta' brainwaves. Specifically designed for those whom suffer night-time anxiety, or the fear of not being able to sleep.

Root chakra activation. (Guided visualisation).


A deeply restorative, somatic, guided visualisation to help you establish a loving and trusting relationship with your body, reconnect to the healing power within you, and gain a visceral felt sense of being more grounded, centred, and at home within yourself.

Sacred water cleanse.


A gentle guided visualisation and meditation to help you connect into the energetic frequency and power that water holds, using deep imaginings to make you feel as if you are physically submerged in purifying healing waters.

Your future self.


A guided visualisation designed to aid you in developing a clear sense of how you envision your future life and future self to be. You will be provided with prompts throughout the process, allowing you to deepen your awareness of what it is that you truly desire.

The complete collection.


This is a collection of 12 guided audio offerings offerings for deep cathartic healing, spiritual revival, emotional clearing & neural-energetic wiring.

Loving -kindness (and forgiveness) meditation.


This is a guided loving-kindness meditation for self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others, gently allowing you to release painful past imprints and reconnect to the love and healing within your own heart.

Activating your feminine energy


This is a somatic guided meditation to help you tune into the deep reservoir of potent feminine energy that lies within your subtle body, releasing unwanted emotional residue and replenishing the vitality, sensuality and softness of your feminine energy.

The five steps to self-mastery & reclaiming your personal power.


This is a 40 minute masterclass designed to take you through a five-step process of uncovering and reclaiming your authentic self-expression in order for you to begin manifesting a life that is in total alignment with your authentic desires and personal blueprint.

WOMEN & WEALTH (the live money-masterclass).


In this two hour live masterclass, WOMEN & WEALTH, we're exploring the hidden dynamics that prevent women from accumulating wealth, keeping on top of their finances, and how to re-wire your relationship with money to transform your capacity to attract, generate and receive.

DARK-FEMININE UNLEASHED (The live-masterclass).


In this two-hour masterclass, we're be taking an intimate look at what it means to be embodied in your feminine power as a woman. The terms 'feminine power' and 'embodied' are throw about a lot these days, but often sound vague and absent of tangible worldly results.

💎WOMEN & WEALTH (the-3-day-money-seminar.)


During this 3-day container we will be exploring some of the biggest money-themes and greatest money-challenges that are rarely addressed. We will be using an esoteric approach to money,  dissecting the hidden-collective undertones and forces that prevent women from witnessing successful financial results in their life. This seminar offers a foundational system which you can utilise to shift your relationship with money at an energetic level, which is mandatory in order for you to witness significant shifts in your external reality. This container is specifically designed for the woman whom is feeling the call to shift her relationship with money from one that is charged with avoidance, resistance, fear and low-self-worth, to one that feels empowering, in which you get to create your personal wealth-narrative and build your assets from a foundation of greater confidence, worthiness and ease.