An Initiation into activating, reclaiming & liberating the full-spectrum of your Masculine & Feminine power, unleashing the force of Wild, Ingenious, Godly-expression within you for Transformative, Healing & Intimate Relationship.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I have a slight sense of what called you to be here......

You have an immense inner appetite to feel what it would be like to be immersed in your power and aligned with your authentic expression. There is a hidden but powerful voice within you that is perfectly aware of how extraordinary your life might become if you gave yourself the gift of allowing the full-force of your authentic voice to blossom. The one that believes in your highest visions for this life.............

But here's the reason most people end their life with that voice still yearning to be unleashed : They fear self-intimacy. And to be more precise, they fear their shadow, which is the place within which the most powerful parts of our expression are housed. We suffer, when we do not give ourselves full-permission to unleash the truth of our expression to the world. As long as we disregard our authentic desire, we can endure a lifetime of never truly knowing what it feels like to be in divine union with our God-given power. There is nothing more painful than to bear a song within your soul left unsung. I know that pain so potently, and it is because of this that I know how to help liberate you from it, and bring you back into intimate relationship with your deepest expression..........

Are you currently struggling with this?

  • You're fearful of your self-expression & the judgement of others.
  • You feel a deep void within you that no external relationship or accomplishment is able to fill.
  • You feel scattered, unmotivated, lack passion, zest & struggle to access your inner masculine. fire & life-force.
  • You feel depleted & cut off from feminine sensuality & believe you can only truly succeed by forcing your way through chronic burn-out.
  • You use a performance persona to find acceptance because you fear that being your authentic self will cost you love in relationship resulting in rejection & loss.
  • You struggle with shame, guilt & feel a tug of war within you as you fight against yearning to liberate the truth of who you are, against the voices of your tyrannical inner-bully.
  • You struggle to harness the power of your authentic voice, compromising your boundaries, self-respect, your needs & allowing other's to dictate the reality you exist in.
  • You have a scarcity mentality in which you believe love, money & good fortune are exceptionally difficult to come by, & when you find it, you struggle to receive & sabotage your abundance.
  • You're deeply afraid of cultivating intimacy & closeness in relationship.
  • You suffer from an exhaustion that runs deeper than something purely physical or emotional.
  • You yearn to find a complete system of healing in order to facilitate a deeper sense of ease and flow within your body.
  • Nothing seems to give you joy, pleasure or lasting fulfilment like it use to

How would it feel to know you can have this?

  • You have a new awareness of the patterns, behaviour & beliefs sabotaging your progress & the tools to work them out of your system, replacing them with empowered statements motivating you to act in accordance with your future self.
  • You have developed an enhanced connection to your divine masculine/feminine archetypal power, uncovering your unique blueprint of expression, knowing how to call upon your inner warrior, priestess, king, queen, oracle, magician & manifestor.
  • You've developed a loving, safe and compassionate container within which you can meet the shadow-aspects of your nature & alchemise them into strength, power and light.
  • You know how to work with your soul-desires in order to create a life that is deliciously aligned with who you truly are.
  • You feel empowered to assert your boundaries & needs in relationship, & you make decisions from a place of embodied-empowerment, worthiness & courage, leading to greater intimacy, healing & aliveness.
  • You have developed an intimate & pleasurable connection to your body, activating your sensuality & vitality, which naturally magnetises deeper intimacy & divine partnership & straight to you.
  • You know how to work with your inner-fears & external challenges, meeting them with self-trust, confidence & determination, helping you embody more of your authentic expression in relationship.
  • You know how to utilise your authentic expression to magnetise and manifest abundance through intention, clear direction & powerful decision making in every moment.
  • You've discovered strengths, gifts & abilities you previously never knew existed, transforming the way you see yourself, leading to aligned action, confident decision-making & deeper healing as your power continues to grow.


I was raised a classical musician and a child performer, by a mother in her shadow masculine and a father in his feminine. I had no innate connection to my femininity growing up, taught that feminine attributes were weak, un-useful and defective. Early childhood trauma taught me to armour up, harden my highly sensitive nature and shut-down my light in learning early-on that my power, creativity and joy were a threat to the people around me. I am also half-Egyptian, and it is hard-wired into Egyptian woman to be deeply ashamed of their womanhood, and free-flowing-sexual-creative expression. I spent the first two decades of my life liberating myself from the deep imprints of childhood trauma, and the shackles of cultural & ancestral oppression. After leaving the music industry and my profession as a singer, I dedicated a decade of my life to studying and training with some of the worlds most renown spiritual teachers, shamans, yogis & somatic-practitioners to begin re-aligning with my authentic expression.

The transformation has been tangible, allowing me to grow myself anew from the grounds up, create and establish a successful business that has transformed the lives of both men and women from all walks of life. I have combined my learnt, intuitive and embodied knowledge to establish a system of healing that combines multiple modalities to bring my students and clients whole-body healing. What you will receive in this programme is a potent fusion of everything I have accumulated and integrated through deep-study and personal experience of ancient spiritual wisdom, trauma-informed embodiment work & scientifically-backed healing techniques.......

I'm here to guide & celebrate your rise into your power & unleashing of your authentic truth......

This is not a tip-toeing around or sugar-coating approach to masculine and feminine union and intimacy. This is a full-body, whole-hearted, soul-activating, shadow-illuminating, deep-dive into the spaces within yourself that have been stifled, pushed-down, boxed into titles, categories and held between the walls of structures that seek to keep you smothered and hidden within a one-dimensional spectrum of yourself. You have come here to liberate yourself from the internalised structures and reclaim the aliveness, intimacy and power of your expression within you just waiting to be unleashed.....

The deep disconnect you feel from yourself is impacting every area or your life. And the only thing that lies between you and the version of yourself that is already confident, expressed, powerful and embodied in their authentic truth, is your fear of deep, intimate, connection with your own being..........

What is true intimacy?

True intimacy requires exploring, embracing and welcoming the whole spectrum of human expression within you : Meeting the most tender, vulnerable yet powerful parts of your being & allowing these parts to find expression, find their voice, existing freely without judgement, shame, guilt or fear, allowing themselves to be wholly seen and celebrated......

But here’s the irony that so many of us struggle with when it comes to true, soulful, expansive intimacy. : We desire and yearn to be seen in our entirety, to surrender into total transparency, with all of our less desirable parts, so very deeply. We yearn to be met within these darker spaces of our being that hold so much grief, despair, longing & fear.

And yet, when we often encounter the opportunity to create intimacy with another, we push it away, or sabotage the relationship, because subconsciously we know it’s going to trigger our inner-wounding. But this is what intimacy is : Allowing yourself to be wholly witnessed for all that you are, allowing certain places within you that have been shrouded in darkness, to be touched and met by the force of another’s love, and by your own.

The precious gift that intimacy gives us, is the permission to express all that we are. No longer having to hide or cage ourselves behind a performative persona, because we are confident and liberated in exposing the fullness of our expression. As more of our expression become liberated, we increasingly awaken more erotic-aliveness, daringness, curiosity, desire, aliveness & joy, and there is really no greater gift than that.

How can cultivating deep self-intimacy transform your relationship with all key areas of your life?

  • You practise deepening your relationship with self, allowing space for your vulnerability, your dreams, your desires, your sexuality and parts of yourself you've previously never expressed to be heard, embraced and celebrated by you first and foremost : This is how you become a master of your self expression and your reality. A person unafraid to face their inner-truth & use that energy to consciously create, has the power to manifest anything they desire.

  • You now give yourself the space and permission to grow, to dream bigger, to want more, to follow your passion and soul desire's, free from the internal-judgement and chains of other people's projections, standing unapologetically in self-worthiness, beginning to see evidence that when you live aligned with your truth, everything you desire is magnetised to you.

  • You have a deep, visceral connection to your body and sensuality, recognising this as the container through which you express the truth of who you are. You have a fully embodied sense that you are whole, empowered and safe within yourself, connected to your aliveness and your pleasure. You know that you have the right to an abundant and joyful life, and your beliefs and actions drive you to towards claiming it.
  • You have a strong connection to your creative urges, your creative voice, and the multi-faceted dynamic forms of your feminine and masculine expression. You are comfortable asserting your boundaries, voicing your needs and ambitions, and equally as comfortable in deep surrender and opening to receive unlimited nurturing, higher-guidance and wealth from the universe.

  • You know that your worth is not dependant on anyone or any external achievement. You recognise the value of your energy so deeply, that you are no longer impacted by the behaviour of others. You truly understand the power of energy/frequency and you’ve embodied your authentic code so fully that you love and admire the person you are becoming.

  • You have loving, honest, healthy, safe, nurturing and empowering relationships with others, without compromising your standards, values or needs to people please. Whether you are in partnership or not, this leads to deeper heart-felt, authentic, transparent connection and intimacy, which allows you to be fully seen in the right partnership.

Testimonial :

"Jwaydan is an expert in the field of masculine & feminine polarity and embodiment. In an era of distractions, addictions and bypassing Jwaydan offers cutting accuracy, quality and relatability in capturing the subtleties and complexities of human behaviour. Her grasp of the healthy & unhealthy natures of the masculine and the feminine psyche have offered clarity, gripping depth and confronting insight into my own complex nature. I believe in Jwaydan's commitment to this work and have personally felt it's impact on my life by working alongside her. I believe her work can make a huge difference to many men & women that are in desperate need of what she delivers" -André

Do you struggle with any of these? :

  • Crippling low self-worth, shame & the fear of being seen for who you authentically are.
  • You feel deeply disconnected from your own body & oppressed when it comes to your creative expression.
  • You lack the ability to make courageous decisions & follow through on your intentions.
  • You fear judgement from others when it comes to your authentic expression & yearn for kinship & community that can truly hold, nurture & accept all of you.
  • You struggle to remedy & relieve yourself of deeply rooted emotions such as anger, shame, anxiety & yearn to feel the freedom, lightness, openness & power that comes from liberating yourself the imprisoning structures of unexpressed truths.
  • You have trauma from childhood & previous relationships blocking you from feeling physically present & safe with others.
  • You're unable to find a practise that grounds & nurtures all facets of your being (mind-body-spirit.)
  • You yearn to feel greater aliveness & intimacy in your relationship with yourself.
  • You've done everything to heal, but you can't seem to break through & get to the root issue preventing your liberation.
  • You've done all the self-help courses & still find yourself struggling to discover your unique purpose.
  • Lack of self-belief & self-trust leads to 'unbreakable' cycles of procrastination hindering your growth & success in life and relationship.
  • You feel stagnant, dried up, exhausted, lacking in vibrance & enthusiasm & you're tired of seeing everyone else around you supposedly getting ahead whilst you remain continuously stuck.
  • You're a work-addict, forcing & powering your way through life on limited-reservers & using work to avoid developing intimacy with yourself & others.

Myths about femininity :

-Motherhood and nurturing/care-giving is the highest form of feminine expression.

-You must surrender to the masculine and allow him to lead.

-You should allow a man to be the sole financial provider.

-You must be soft, receptive, adaptable & playful or else you'll be a turn off to the masculine & fail to attract a truly masculine man.

-Woman with masculine qualities are not truly embodied in their femininity. You can't be a leader, a financially savvy business woman & still be considered feminine.

Myths about masculinity :

-Masculine men must remain stoic pillars of strength & it is weakness to express emotion or show vulnerability.

-You must be making 6-figures+ in order to be deemed a truly masculine man .

-It is not masculine to nurture & tend to the needs of those around you, express or receive love openly & doing so makes you a feminine man whom will ultimately repel women.

-How many women you can get into bed indicates how successful you are with swaying and winning over the feminine. The more women you can dominate/conquer, the more masculine you become.

Truths about femininity :

-The feminine is a fluid, ever-changing energy. A woman is not any less feminine in choosing to embody masculine qualities by shielding/protecting herself until she deems the masculine worthy of entering her territory.

-The highest form of feminine expression is a woman's creativity. Whether she chooses to express that through birthing a child or birthing a creation is entirely her decision to make based on where she feels inclined to direct her energy.

-Surrender naturally occurs when a woman feels safe. It is the task of the masculine to provide her with safe containment so she is able to surrender into her feminine

-Learning to be financially independent is not a 'masculine' thing. It is a human thing. Contrary to what might be assumed, earning money will energetically strengthen her feminine making her even more full, generous, relaxed and capable of meeting her man.

Truths about masculinity :

-Expressing your emotions and vulnerability is a healthy indication of a man in touch with his heart. And women respond to men that are connected to their heart.

-A man's masculinity is defined by his courage, inner-strength, devotion, loyalty, purpose & commitment. Financial wealth is the byproduct of masculinity, but the inner-work he does is the most important step to getting there.

-When a man expresses his humanity, the whole world benefits. Gifting the women/woman in his life with openness of his deepest heart-felt expression makes him a rare & precious example of how driven a man can be by his capacity to feel deeply, rather than his desire to have power over others.

-How well you can sexually-discipline yourself so that you are only moved by a woman's expression when she expresses herself from a place of deep womb-heart-soul alignment, indicates how rooted, clear, sovereign & aligned you are in your own masculine expression

In this alchemic course you'll learn how to........

  • Reclaim connection to the power of feminine expression, expanding your capacity for pleasure, intimacy & wealth.
  • Harness the depth, clarity, confidence, courage & strength of the masculine and be led by the power of your inner authority.
  • Cultivate an embodied sense of what it actually feels like to be in your power & authentic expression, knowing how to use that expression to enrich, enhance & elevate all key areas of your existence.
  • Create solid structures & containment to hold & nurture both energies within you & support the life you wish to create.
  • Uncover core wounds & beliefs blocking you from embodying your true expression & acting aligned with your power & worthiness.
  • Explore the fundamental pillars of masculinity & femininity in order to establish clear understanding of how they relate to each other/what is needed from each for balance to prevail.
  • Cultivate deeper intimacy in your relationship with self embodiment & theraputic practises.
  • Identify early childhood trauma & relationship patterns with parents which stifled your growth for deep intimacy & heal aspects of your inner child to transform the way you engage with relationship.
  • Receive trauma-informed care and practises to help you heal and expand your nervous system's capacity for pleasure, joy, authentic expression and bigger manifestations.
  • Embody the power of key masculine & feminine archetypes & activate aspects of your archetypal power to access a deeper sense of inner-strength, inner-authority & mastery over your self-expression.
  • Meet your shadow, and transform your deepest challenges & wounding into empowering, life-giving momentum, exiting painful cycles of low-self esteem & self-sabotage & upgrading into confident self-talk, healing beliefs, self-loving behaviour & aligned action.
  • Understand the three most powerful primary cycles of the feminine & masculine, & how you can benefit from each unique stage of your evolution to actualise more of your power and wisdom.
  • Learn a spiritual approach to relationship in which both woman and man are revered for the power that they contain & celebrated for the unique roles they play, without compromise of their full authentic truth.
  • Apply the nature of polarity, what repels him/her, and what creates magnetism & undeniable electric desire & yearning in your partner.
  • Identify when you are operating from disempowered masc/fem energy & how to adopt a more articulate & aligned expression of yourself, allowing you to positively influence, direct & expand your relationships to initiate deeper healing & intimacy.

Who is the program for exactly?

+For the woman and man ready to do the transformative work of reclaiming and unleashing the power of their masculine and feminine life-force for successful & fulfilling relationships, cultivate the courage to achieve deep intimacy with self/others & harness the confidence to achieve their personal/life goals.

+The man that is ready to embody a new masculine paradigm, call upon the warrior and king within him, and revolutionise his relationship with women, masculine power, love, eroticism & intimacy.

+The woman that is ready to step into the full force of her femininity and face blockages that are keeping her from harnessing the potency of her feminine expression to magnetise wealth, abundance, relationship and love straight to her.

+The man & woman whom are open to receiving some tough mama-love to help them exit the old paradigm of their current, 'limited' self and begin deriving deep pleasure & enjoyment from embodying their authentic self.

+The men & women in-search of a programme and container that combines ancient spiritual wisdom teachings, deep shadow-work practise, subconscious re-wiring/visualisation with somatic embodiment to bring you whole mind-body-spirit transformative healing.

-Those that are not afraid to feel the discomfort that comes with facing deep wounds/exploring uncomfortable emotions such a shame, fear, anger, etc.

+Those that are ready to truly commit to the next stage of their evolution and healing, transforming their small, limiting, disempowering story into one of success, aliveness, abundance, confidence, power and joy.

This programme is not for.......

-Those that want a quick-fix healing-hack. This is a trauma-informed container that requires you showing up consistently and over a period of time in order to see lasting results.

-Those still stuck in victim-consciousness and whom are more committed to their small-stories & limiting beliefs than taking radical responsibility for their healing, progression & success.

-Those afraid to do the deep-soul searching work required for next-level healing & steady, titrated inner transformation.

-Those that do not believe in spiritual practises or harnessing the power of a higher-source alongside taking practical steps towards their growth in order to support their healing, growth and empowerment.

-Those that are looking for someone to rescue them, rather than acknowledging that their conscious engagement and dedication is what will get them the results. This programme along with my guidance is the first stepping stone to helping you fulfil your desires. What you do with what you are given determines the depth of transformation you experience.

-You're afraid of intensity and depth! Depth and intensity ooze through everything I do. If that lights you up and makes you feel a full body YES! then you're in the right place. On the other hand, if you're not into that, then this definitely isn't the right fit.

Here's what you'll get! :

Eight modules of in-depth teachings:

Eight modules of in-depth material leading you through a structured process of deep self-discovery, self-revival, accompanied by powerful healing modalities & trauma-informed, somatic teachings.

Six Fortnightly Q&A calls. (7PM GMT TIME):

During the calls, you will have the opportunity to ask me questions about anything you like regarding the programme, plus anything you require further guidance on/integration with.

Two weeks of 1:1 Voxer coaching for those that pay in full.

This will provide you with the opportunity to work with me throughout Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm GMT time, once the course has concluded to help you integrate everything you have learnt & begin applying this to real life situations to build your confidence, boundaries, self-expression & self-worth.

Trauma-informed care :

When we do the layered work of self-exploration & shining light on painful wounding or coping mechanisms, it's common for emotional imprints from the past to emerge. This is a trauma-informed programmed that includes trauma-informed somatic guidance & you will be supported via email & during our calls should you feel you require extra care to navigate difficult emotional imprints that may emerge.

Intuitive attunement :

Intuitive attunement is a vital part of my work with clients in 1:1 containers. I align myself with their nervous system to better understand what they're navigating & reflect back at them. If necessary, I may include intuitive feedback during calls or email interaction to help give you clarity & insight into whatever you are personally working to heal or bring resolution to at this time.

Email support in between sessions to help you integrate :

You will have email access to me throughout the programme should you require further support and integration in-between modules.


Who is the program for exactly?

For Women and Men ready to do the deep self-healing work of reclaiming their personal power and unleashing the power of their masculine and feminine life-force for successful & fulfilling relationships, deep intimacy with self/others & regaining a more empowered sense of how capable they are of achieving anything they want once the full spectrum of their potential is unleashed.

Are payment plans available?

Yes! There will be a payment plan for three payments to be paid over a three month period However, those that pay in full will receive 1:1 voxer coaching with me once the course concludes.

When can I get started?

As soon as your full payment goes through, (or the first payment of your payment plan) you will receive all the details for the course outline, dates for the six scheduled calls & you will immediately be enrolled into my online school, where you will be able to get access to all of the course material & engage with me via email for personal support.

What if i can't attend live calls due to time-zone issues?

Don't worry! All Q&A video calls will be recorded and sent out via the student newsletter for you to listen to whenever you can.

Do I have life-time access to the course material?

Yes you absolutely do, and as an added bonus, you'll receive updates about free workshops & new material that gets added to the programme in the future as I continue to develop it, if you sign up to my community newsletter.

Are there refunds?

There are no refunds for this programme.

Can I email you about personal problems during email contact?

The email 1:1 contact is an opportunity for you to become more familiar with the course programme material & email me regarding any queries you might have about the programme, or any support you need with the material. However, 1:1 email contact does not include free therapy to address your personal issues. If you require support with this, you have the option to book in 1:1 coaching with me after the course concludes. If you pay in full, you will automatically have 1:1 access to me after the course concludes.

Can I ask questions during live calls?

Absolutely. The live Q&A calls are available for you to ask all the questions you want & I encourage students to bring their full presence to this programme to get the very most out of it. Asking questions during our live calls will be the best place to get more detailed feedback to help you navigate the course material. So I encourage y0u to engage as much as possible during live calls as this will really help deepen your understanding of what you are learning & integrating.

What happens after the 12 weeks?

Once the course concludes, if you have paid in full, you will have the opportunity to work with me 1:1 to explore any personal concerns you require extra support with. Please bear in mind that individual email support will conclude after the 6th & final group call. If you used a payment plan & you require further individual support, you are welcome to book in 1:1 video-call coaching or 1:1 voxer coaching which you can find on my website at Jwaydanofficial.com

Is this programme suitable for people with trauma?

This is a Trauma-informed programme which covers common trauma-related issues & trauma-patterns that arise in intimate relationship. However, if you are suffering from severe mental health issues, please consult with your doctor, therapist or psychiatrist before committing to this course.

Testimonial :

"We are at a pivotal moment of huge generational shifts, with an opportunity to end silences, end inherited cycles that don’t serve us, and to intentionally, critically, and radically observe and uproot outdated programming and conditioning. What Jwaydan offers in this programme is a compassionate insight into what this might look like and an accessible map of how to witness and address these cycles through a self-empowerment, harm reduction approach. Jwaydan has a gift for illustrating not just the root origins of so many collective-wounds, but how it can have a ripple effect throughout one's life and relationships. She doesn’t offer easy fixes or encourage transference into other external relationships to fulfil deficits we might have grown from. But instead, for those willing to stop, and observe, to lean into the discomfort of truthfully witnessing all versions of ourselves, and embracing vulnerability and crucial self-honesty, she guides us to unlock our own specific coordinates of where to create empowering change in our lives. Jwaydan's work is a call to stop surrendering one’s power, and how to unlock the tools within oneself to move towards operating from a place of unapologetic wholeness.” - Cherry

Talk to me!

Let's go!

A complete system of healing for:

The four stages you will move through during this programme :

STAGE ONE : Inner-excavation & illumination :

Deep diving into the unexpressed energy & truths held within your shadow, giving them expression through compassionate understanding. Awakening to patterns of behaviours, personas & inner-narratives blocking your evolution. Learning to regulate & harmonise your nervous system to integrate all subtle & notable change. Developing the self-healing skills to give expression to what lies unexpressed within you : What you deem 'shameful' or 'unwanted' is your most potent, transformative, healing, medicine.

STAGE THREE : Intimacy & relationship :

Re-emergence into intimate & embodied relationship with self & others via cultivating deep safety & aliveness within the body : Your aliveness lives within your being, & your body houses your being. It is through your body that you gain a visceral somatic sense of how powerful you truly are. Through embodiment work, you reclaim your sense of safety & security, which is key to magnetising all areas of your life + navigating relationship safely & without compromise of your power.

STAGE TWO : Reclaiming of personal power :

Judgment-free & gentle exploration of your shadow energy & inner-child desires that re-surface throughout your healing. A deeper embodiment of your authentic voice as it feels safer to emerge. Illuminating & alchemising your shadow parts into power, wisdom & vitality & learning to use this newfound vitality as the fuel & medicine with which to explore your unique archetypal blueprint, re-write your future & unapologetically claim your destiny.

STAGE FOUR : Embodied self-mastery.

Finally beginning to harness & utilise your power & authentic expression in the world, with courage, clarity, creative play & with commitment to the process of re-creating yourself. Learning to firmly & proudly vocalise your truth, set healthy boundaries, & navigate your life rooted in worthiness, integrity & aligned authenticity, continually integrating the beliefs, behaviours & personalised healing-formula that will serve your highest evolution.

STAGE ONE : Inner-excavation & illumination :

Deep diving into the unexpressed energy & truths held within your shadow, giving them expression through compassionate understanding. Awakening to patterns of behaviours, personas & inner-narratives blocking your evolution. Learning to regulate & harmonise your nervous system to integrate all subtle & notable change. Developing the self-healing skills to give expression to what lies unexpressed within you : What you deem 'shameful' or 'unwanted' is your most potent, transformative, healing, medicine.

STAGE TWO : Reclaiming of personal power :

Judgment-free & gentle exploration of your shadow energy & inner-child desires that re-surface throughout your healing. A deeper embodiment of your authentic voice as it feels safer to emerge. Illuminating & alchemising your shadow parts into power, wisdom & vitality & learning to use this newfound vitality as the fuel & medicine with which to explore your unique archetypal blueprint, re-write your future & unapologetically claim your destiny.

STAGE THREE : Intimacy & relationship :

Re-emergence into intimate & embodied relationship with self & others via cultivating deep safety & aliveness within the body : Your aliveness lives within your being, & your body houses your being. It is through your body that you gain a visceral somatic sense of how powerful you truly are. Through embodiment work, you reclaim your sense of safety & security, which is key to magnetising all areas of your life + navigating relationship safely & without compromise of your power.

STAGE FOUR : Embodied self-mastery.

Finally beginning to harness & utilise your power & authentic expression in the world, with courage, clarity, creative play & with commitment to the process of re-creating yourself. Learning to firmly & proudly vocalise your truth, set healthy boundaries, & navigate your life rooted in worthiness, integrity & aligned authenticity, continually integrating the beliefs, behaviours & personalised healing-formula that will serve your highest evolution.

Our modern day world has limited you from embodying healthy ideals of what it means to be authentically rooted in your masculine and feminine power, giving voice and expression to the parts of you that have been starved of intimacy, emotional nourishment, and recognition for the uniqueness, beauty and creativity you add to the world......

Social narratives placed upon you have robbed you of the depth and complexity of your self-expression. This programme is an initiation into helping you reclaim the parts of your masculine and feminine self-expression that have been pushed into your shadow, abandoned, neglected, and labelled "not worthy of being witnessed" or "too shameful to be seen".........

But when these parts of you are finally acknowledged.....

You can exist within your body, within relationship, and within the world deeply connected to your inner bio-intuitive-intelligence, making decisions for your life from a place of intimate, engaged & confident alignment with your inner-voice. We feel safe to express the full spectrum of our emotions when we have met the parts of ourselves most in need of intimacy and love, allowing ourselves to open to possibilities that previously didn't exist in your relationship with self and others.........

All of you is worthy, all of you is holy : Your 'darkness', your wounding, your greatest life-challenges & all of it is necessary for your journey into embodying the gifts of the masculine & feminine within you.....

In this programme, I invite you to clear out the internalised noise of culture, the inner-voices telling you a life of wealth, connection, joy and love isn't possible for you, and to plug back into your inner-power of your mas & fem, to uncover your strengths, your fears, your self-imposed limitations, and anything else that is standing between you and your highest embodiment of your own self.........

What most people crave is deep intimacy that awakens the parts within them most fearful, yet most desperate and yearning to be touched. When we turn our energy inwards and allow these parts to be seen, acknowledged and expressed, we take back our power. When you focus on self-nurture, you begin to re-awaken an aliveness within you previously unfelt. Once you get a somatic, visceral sense of your power, you begin to heal, and in the healing you effortlessly orchestrate and co-create your reality as you wish it to be.........

Testimonial :

“Jwaydan's service to both men and women in their exploration of masculine and feminine energies and their subsequent shadows is a heart centred calling. Her work in the world will lead to the healing, restoration of equanimity between the two sexes. Her intuitive insights serve a higher calling that can be trusted. Those who are called to work with Jwaydan will be served greatly.” - Amir Khalighi

What remains within your shadow,
remains as un-manifested potential ;

Your shadow is the place through which you access and transmute all of your deepest wounding, transforming it into your greatest personal power. There are three main components required for transformation : Curiosity, courage, self-forgiveness.

If we are able to reach into ourselves `& meet the inner aspects of ourself with these three ingredients, we'd create potent & powerful transformation throughout our entire body-mind-spirit system. Each time we light a match & illuminate the shadowy, darker corners of our psyche, we automatically begin the process of transmutation& transformation.

This is the power that provides you with unlimited access to your personal self-expression and the courage to create life as you desire. It is worth exploring the inner terrain of your shadow in order for the gifts, wisdom, power and potential to unfold........

Testimonial :

"Jwaydan has mastered and achieved a hefty task that very few practitioners in the online coaching space are currently embodying and teaching with such skill, wisdom and passion. She captures the struggle and difficulty of both mens' and womens' experience in the world with compassion and exceptional awareness of the problems our generation face in relationship, intimacy, and finding the courage to live boldly and authentically. Her words are rich with truth and a fierce call to women and men to step into their own greatness. In a world where you risk a great deal to illuminate the shadow-wounding and unconscious behaviour of people, she goes straight to the core of the root issues, revealing where and why we are at war within ourselves and with each other. Her work and expression is quite unlike anyone else in this space and what you will gain from this programme is a cathartic transformation and total resurrection of formerly rejected parts of your true self, bringing them into wholeness and light." - Meryem.

Talk to me!

Ok, Let's go!

There's a belief of mine that I want to share with you, that has carried me through and beyond the most formidable, soul-shattering events and enabled me to come through & build my entire life and self anew :

I Believe that the power of the human spirit is greater than any challenge, trauma, disaster or break-down we could ever endure. I believe we become unstoppable and extraordinarily power-full the moment we choose to to believe that we can overcome the stories of our past or those we are currently still navigating.

If we truly decide that our life is going to unfold into the dream we desire for ourselves, and we muster the courage to do the healing-work required for this dream to blossom, then it becomes inevitable that it will, because life is always moving us in the direction of our highest destiny”........

So the only question that remains, is
Do you have the courage to join me on this journey to reclaiming the power of your authentic self-expression, finally giving yourself permission to be who you truly are?

your journey into whole, abundant, intimate, loving & transformative relationship can begin right now......

Your Free breakthrough call.