Women, Sex, Power.

  • Thursday, 8 September 2022
  • By Jwaydan

If I personally recount the stories of the women whom I have met throughout my lifetime, or figures throughout history that disrupted and defied the cultural narrative and expectations of women at the time, or indeed many of my own family members that have been subjected to overwhelming trauma and injustice, the commonality in all their struggles to liberate themselves from the shackles of suffering and worldly violence is rooted in a culture that is utterly terrified of the powers a woman can embody and what she can fashion and establish for herself in the world when she is supported by a structure that gives her the liberty to do so, safely, and without disruption.


Our terror of feminine power and its dynamism, volatility, complexity and multiplicity is overwhelmingly evident from the ways that we have constructed an incarcerated system that governs and rules women’s bodies and divine human rights. It is as well evident in the way that we as women, view each other with tremendous distrust, dislike and fear of being ‘outshone’ or put beneath, or made to feel inferior or less than in some shape or form. We have squashed and repressed the feminine down into a commodification of ‘prettiness’ and ‘relevance’ and acceptability, stripping her of her mystique, her power and her ability to expand and flourish, we have taken everything from her sexuality to her ability to bear children, and transformed these sacred powers of creation into mere mechanical and commodified functions with no other purpose than to appease an abhorrently dysfunctional masculine paradigm. We have taken everything from her, expected her to use her god given creative abilities to serve and to appease this cultural narrative, and we have given her nothing back in return in thanks and acknowledgment of the endless sacrifices she makes in creating and sustaining life. Just as Mother Earth can not continue to produce when we rape and pillage her land and do not return with offerings that replenish and replace what has been taken, the same violence and malicious intent is projected towards every woman walking this earth. The most tragic part of all is that the bellowing dictatorial voice of the patriarchal is so deeply embedded and lodged within our own psyche, that we do not recognise all of the ways in which we continue to feed and allow its existence to thrive within our own homes and bodies.


We were raised by fathers who unwittingly adopted these views of a woman’s purpose, whilst unable or refusing to initiate themselves into embodying healthy masculinity and embracing their responsibilities as care-takers, protectors and space holders for women, (which in turn resulted in their wives shutting down from their bodies, disconnecting from their hearts and hardening their character, and abandoning their innate feminine sensitivity and nature in order to survive a loveless, unsupportive, or vacant marriage). And as women, we watched our mothers succumb to the pressures that submerged her at the time, putting her own dreams, ‘rebellious’ and revolutionary ideas and creative visions for the future aside in order to fulfil the role assigned to her as a woman and fulfil the task of being everything to everyone and nothing for herself. Her sexual juices were reduced to a service, provided primarily for the purpose of bearing children, rather than for the purpose of exploring her capacity to hold and experience pleasure within her own womb and body, and her own identity and complexity was condensed into the categories ‘mother’, ‘wife’ and’ caretaker’.

Nothing is of a greater offence, insult and injury to the feminine essence, than being reduced or compartmentalised. It goes against her very blueprint to place herself within the order and governing of a masculine system, because when she does, she locks herself out from the vastness of everything that she is here to feel, experience, create and express, and in doing so, her spirit and her vital energies begin to wilt, diminish and suffer a slow and unbearably painful death. It is death to her soul and blasphemy to her heart to expect or ask her to fit within the tightly knit constraints of what other’s, (whom are suffering their own deep imprisonment) have created, and expect her to be of service, or to even function when we have robbed her of her spirit and essence.

There is no pain greater for a woman than the one that she experiences from having been raised in a culture so inherently violent, that it imprinted her with layers upon layers of suffocating shame, terror and fear, forcing her to diminish, compress and squash herself in order to protect herself agains the onslaught, abuse and insidious attacks that were a result of her pure and unbridled essence and inherent power once attempting to shine it’s light, in a world full of deeply wounded and traumatised others not ready to step out of the darkness enshrouding and caging their own power and keeping them from the fullness of their own expression. The wounded can not bear to see another take flight and reach beyond the heavens, when they themselves are confided to a hell on earth, and so when she leapt for the sky in all her innocence and fearless eagerness to taste life, they ripped her down to the ground, entangling, engaging and imprinting her with fear and disgust towards her own inherent wildish nature, and in doing so, planting seeds of hatred towards her own body & inherent power to keep her from ever blooming again. There is no greater pain for a woman to experience than the one that comes from her lessening, diminishing and strangling herself into smallness, in order to remain unseen, and therefore safe.

For so long, women have felt unsafe to express the divinity and power of their creative essence in having been born into a world in chains, forcing them to bury their beauty and power under mountains of cultural shame, trauma and terror : Both the terror born out of traumatic imprints, and the terror towards their own power, handed to them by every woman and man that came before them unable to liberate themselves from this systemic suffering. Women have been forced and conditioned to compete, compare, adopt unnatural beauty standards diminishing themselves to become established within a cultural paradigm which forces them to work against their individual constitution, demanding that they minimise and reduce their needs, keeping them cut off from their deeply intuitive, psychic, creative and powerful nature, and utterly misaligned to their body’s needs and their soul’s desires. My wish is for each and every woman to experience the joy and the bliss that naturally evolves out of being aligned with her individual power and feminine rhythms.

When a woman is empowered and fully attuned to the depth of her power and potential, she no longer seeks to look outward in the quest to establish herself within a system that causes her so much suffering and forces her to abandon her intuitive and wildish nature. Instead, her focus is turned inwards and she understands how to work with her magic and harness her energy for deeper healing, better understanding of her own needs, and the fulfilment of all her wildest manifestations for this lifetime. When she is locked out of her vastness and celestial intelligence, she is unable to create and to birth the life of her dreams. In order for a woman to materialise the visions and dreams she has within her psyche, she needs to be fully present and receptive and available to the magnitude of power that lies within the stillness - The womb of all creation - in order to retrieve the knowledge, creativity that is inherent within her, and access her extraordinary potential to create, to guide, to influence, and inspire others with her radiant presence.



Most women do not feel safe enough to sit still, let alone surrender deeply into the vastness that surrounds them and allow life to move through them with all its power and transformative nectar. To surrender, means to trust, and most women have lived an entire lifetime utterly unfamiliar with what it means to deeply surrender and trust that life is carrying and guiding their precious existence, when so many have been raised in aggressive and disturbing environments, and a violent culture that regards the feminine nature with disdain, mockery and the utmost disrespect, oppose to valuing it for the extraordinary miracle that it is, for this is the force that sustains all life upon the planet.

The feminine is a force that has the power to create anything she desires, as well as the power to destroy, dismantle, disrupt and demolish any system, concept or construct that threatens her existence or the existence of those she holds dear. The feminine is both as formidable and remarkable in its ability to transform and demolish, as it is soft, receptive, profoundly sensitive and extraordinarily empathetic and attuned to the needs of others, and our collective consciousness.


To be reduced to a mere object and shackled to a cultural narrative that imposes the smallest and most limiting of ideals of what a woman should be, and how she should serve, or how she should physically appear to the rest of the world to uphold a deeply damaging and injurious ideal, is absolute death to a woman’s soul. The very blueprint of the feminine is boundless creativity and unending expansion : As a culture and as a species, we have robbed her of her birthright, the very thing that she came here to express and to channel for the purpose of expanding and elevating human consciousness. She does this when she is in a relationship with a man (or woman or other), guiding them to reach their highest expression of their own unique and innate gifts and offerings to this planet with her strength and wisdom. She does this when she raises a daughter, or son, or other, initiating and leading them into their own greatness and teaching them how to access their inherent gifts. She does this when she extends acts of generosity, kindness and compassion towards those around her, helping illuminate their path to greater healing and equilibrium. She does this when she believes and invests in her own potential and has the staying power and the intuitive sense to envision the future of her dreams - and to know that it is possible for her to actualise - long before it does. This is what happens when a woman comes fully into her power. She becomes the visionary, the artist, the psychic, the wise woman, the mother, the lover, the creator, the revolutionary, the mystic, the healer, the wild one, the one that stands fully and completely in her sexual prowess and understands how to work with this energy to manifest more of what will innate her - and others - into deeper healing.


To reclaim our feminine prowess requires that we change the cultural narrative and our association around what it means to be a woman who is established in her femininity. With the rise of feminism, we have many examples of women who have adopted unhealthy characteristics that belong to the imbalance masculine - an energy that seeks to control, oppress, dominate, diminish and override others - ironically, the very force that we as women have fought against for centuries in order to establish control and sovereignty over our own lives. In the quest of seeking to reclaim our power, we have embodied unhealthy expressions of masculinity, and disowned and rejected expressions of the feminine considering it to to be ‘weak’, ‘less than’ or ‘ineffective’ when in fact, we simply haven’t been educated or informed on how to work with our feminine nature in order to reap the results we desperately push ourselves to accomplish by structuring our lives to align with a paradigm that is resulting in chronic illness and burn out. Many of these feminine qualities we reject (sensitivity, receptivity, openness, slowing down, honouring our need for rest and stillness ) are vital and mandatory for our own health and wellbeing, and the health and healing of our culture at large. Women’s bodies are not built nor designed to function like men’s and therefore attempting to establish control or evoke respect by aligning with a paradigm built solely for the purpose of men forces our bodies to suffer acutely. Right now there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support that the way women have forced themselves to operate to acclimatise to a construct established solely for men, is robbing us of the very power, vitality and essence we yearn to experience and to express in our day to day existence. Our bodies are expressing their abhorrence and rejection of these masculine formed systems through symptoms such as chronic fatigue, digestive issues, long-term anxiety, depression, disrupted menstrual cycles, low libido, hormonal imbalance, conditions that primarily effect the female sex organs such as poly ovarian syndrome, endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory diseases. Our bodies are our greatest allies in informing us of what works for our feminine system, and what is registered as an insult and an injury to our wellbeing.


It is time that we reclaim our reverence and our honour for the feminine and every miracle and divine creation that it supports us in experiencing and manifesting. The very fabric of your life is upheld by the feminine force, a force that upholds, maintains and preserves the equanimity, balance and stability of trillions upon trillions of species, eco-systems and biological diversity upon this planet. Can you imagine the enormity of a force that is capable of maintaining the communication, transmissions and consistency between a multitude and mass of species, so that we human species ourselves can survive and thrive?


Our lives are so very dependant upon the heath and stability of our own earth, and when we ignore the fundamental role that the feminine and women in their femininity carry out in assisting and upholding the same delicate and renewing process of Mother Nature in the realm of modern day civilisation, not only do we suffer, but our entire species suffers as a consequence. For this very reason, we can no longer afford to neglect, diminish or ostracise the feminine from our lives and her power from our bodies and our expression. If we wish to cease all fighting, striving and forcing in our lives in our quest to accomplish or find meaning, we must align with the rhythms of nature which have designed every one of us so intelligently and so perfectly in order to help us experience the highest quality of existence, and that quality is only diminished or prevented from blossoming into it's full expression when we abandon our own innate needs and try to align with the establishments that force us to imitate machines rather than embrace our humanity and operate in harmony with nature and our own true inner nature.


I could speak for aeons about this topic but ultimately, no amount of eloquently, articulate sentiments could capture the essence of the feminine which moves through all women, and every other than is open and receptive to its power. I will end by saying that reclaiming our health has the power to completely revolutionise a woman's destiny, and there has truly never been a more potent time in history to reclaim our sovereignty, actualise the life of our deepest yearnings and re-establish how we wish to move through this precious lifetime - with force and pushing ourselves to the point of destroying our health and happiness? Or aligning with the potent healing rhythms that nature intended us to follow and living, thriving and leading from a place of peace, stillness and trust that we will always have more then enough to meet our needs, and guide and propel us in the direction of our highest capacity for self-expression, self-expansion and the fortitude, vitality and creative ingenious to contribute towards a better earth for those currently alive and those yet to arrive.


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