- Saturday, 21 October 2023
- By Jwaydan
The art of 're-widling' oneself is a topic I touch on heavily with my women-clients, all of whom have struggled to unleash the force of their creative self, and reveal the fullness of who they are in a world that takes pleasure is stuffing women into tiny, one-dimensional expressions of themselves.
Rewilding the feminine - this vast force of formidable creative potential that exists within you - begins with questioning ‘who would I allow myself to be, and what would I believe is possible, if the masculine-constructs that have programmed me into submission didn’t exist?
‘Re-wilding yourself’ is about uncovering what an abundant life would look like to you, if you gave yourself the freedom to dream beyond those that came before you. Nobody can tell you what that dream looks like. It can only be found through your own questioning and courageous introspection. Women whom are naturally born wild and freely expressed, already have quite a strong internal knowing of what they need to do in order to create their ideal version of reality. Women whom have perhaps buried their wilderness for fear of ostracisation and judgement, and yet, no matter how deep you attempt to bury it, you can never ‘be rid of it’. You can never bury it enough to snuff out it’s flame and the potency of it’s voice. And for many women, if they live long enough having buried their wilderness, it begins to manifest as physical illness, mental and emotional chaos, and in extreme cases, total hysteria and personality disorders. A woman’s wilderness is the energy within her that naturally knows how to heal, restore and breathe her back to life after tragedy, heartbreak and trauma has struck. It is the unbreakable pulse of energy that ties her to universal life-force and keeps her spiritually and energetically vital and strong, no matter the forces at play in her life that might be attempting to snuff out her light and keep her ‘obedient’, submissive and tied to a life that limits her potential and expression.
Wild women are the greatest danger to society because if they allow themselves to grow big enough, ferocious enough, angry enough, there are very few people or forces that can have dominance or control over their expression and behaviour.
Wild women are like the wild plants that spread across vast planes of land ; No matter how often you attempt to cut them down and be rid of them, they continue to re-appear grow back. Unlike flowers (which might be compared to a woman in the early stages of her womanhood and still developing her power), women that have thickened their skin and become resilient to the reality of the world and the many many subtle and overt forms of disempowerment that exist to keep her unaware and unaware to her divinity, are more like a sturdy oak tree that has grown it’s roots, planted them deep into the bowls of the earth, and immune to treacherous storms, torrential rain and hurricanes. It has established itself well and found its home amidst the depths of the earth. Women, in many ways, must be like trees : Deeply planted roots, strong foundations so they are not so easily uprooted and impacted by the unconscious or intentional violence of men and other women, allowing themselves to grow bigger and fuller (both spiritually and physically speaking), to find safety and security within their own body, to love that body, and all aspects of their expression that exists within it, fighting to find breath, space and permission to speak, to be all shades, colours and depths of the strangeness, eccentricity, vastness, and embodiment of both darkness and expansiveness, without perpetuating the cycle of shame and fear towards these parts of her expression that have been demonised by the patrichary for eons.
No wild plant, tree, or wild creature in nature shames itself for taking up the space that is required for it to blossom. It is innately embedded with the knowledge and understanding of what is required in order for it to thrive and contribute to the health of an entire eco-system of other wild plants and wild creatures. Humans are the only creatures on earth that create boxes, categories, labels, titles, definitions, and separate men and women into this or that, and particularly women.
“This is what a feminine woman should be’ , "This is what she ought to avoid being" - The burden of these conditions, passed down through the bloodline and lineage of each woman has created deep fragmentation and fracturing within her own psyche, in the process, preventing her from being able to differentiate between what is truly her voice, her desire, her soul-yearning, and what are the voice of others, implanted and injected into her subconscious, as a tactic to keep her a law-abiding, subservient, woman.
If you strip away enough of the wild feminine power from a woman’s being, you can easily brainwash and convince her into believing that she doesn’t really have her own dreams or independence of thought, and that she needs someone else, (her mother, her father, her partner, her lover, society) to decide on her behalf. Which brings me back to my original point : Wild women are the most dangerous women to our society, because they have the greatest potential to bring this patriarchal society, along with all of it’s women-oppressing, women-hating tactics, crumbling to the ground.
And in the case of most women, their wilderness is not something they can openly express without dire consequences and backlash within their close family unit or community. So they must often hold, grow and nurture the wild woman within them in secrecy. They must retreat into the hidden world of the wild woman every now and then, sneaking in visits like they might to a secret, forbidden lover, filled with trepidation, guilt and often terror as to what might arise, should the true nature of their inner world and utmost desires come to light.
Most, if not all women, contain a vast secret hidden world filled with monsters, demons, unruly sexual fantasies, and fantasies of revenge and vengeance in an attempt to reclaim the parts of their power and spirit that have been stolen away or scared off into another dimension, too afraid to come back to physical reality and integrate with the rest of her being. In fact, most men are quite clueless and ignorant of the depth of rage and violence that exists within women, and are also quite shocked when their seemingly good natured kind-hearted partner suddenly transforms into a wrathful blood-sucking wilder-beast that wants to go on a man-killing rampage, cutting of the hands, arms and genitals of barbaric men.
It is a funny thing that men should expect women to tolerate endless injustice, and the onslaught of violence to her being at the hands of men, and not build up a reservoir of rage as a consequence. This world of plotting, planning and gaining revenge exists amongst many other hidden nightmares and wonders, and each women must nurture, tend to and allow the expression of each of these worlds that exist within her to blossom, or else, she will live a half-hearted, half soul-nourished life, always wishing, drifting and escaping off to a fantasy realm in order to find relief and release from the pain of not fully actualising that dream that exists within her. A better way to go about things, would be to quietly, silently and devotedly nurture the world of nightmares and wonders the exists within you, until you are independent enough, liberated enough from family structures and community dynamics to open the flood gates of your creative aliveness and allow them to forge your path ahead.
And in many ways, because so many women have allowed their wilderness to be ‘snuffed out’, domesticated and tamed (like a wild-cat removed from it’s natural habitat and placed within the constructs of a billionaire’s mansion), they themselves have forgotten what it feels like to be intimately in touch with that natural pulse of ever-brewing wild, animated life-force that can not be controlled, habituated and subdued to exist in complacent and obedience with men. The feminine essence by nature is a formidable, wrathful force that we can witness through the waves within the ocean, sudden and unforeseen volcanic eruptions and wrathful tsunamis that can wipe out whole villages and in more extreme cases, whole civilisations.
There is a rumbling, uncontrollable rage that exists in the depths of every woman that has been denied the right to express herself and herself freely, without the constant bombardment, interference, interruption and meddling of those outside of her (family, acquaintances, onlookers, hidden enemies, every person infiltrated with the sickness that is an extension of every man terrified of female power.
Ask most women intent on establishing their sense of autonomy in the world and re-claiming their right to exist as an extension of the universe and the power it has embedded her with, and they will say all they truly want is to live peacefully as their true self, to be able to come and go as they please, dress as they desire, speak what is on their mind and within their heart, without the constant fear that they might be punished, cancelled, or cast out of their family and community as a consequence of choosing to live aligned with their soul desires, and not the way that the world has taught a woman she ought to be.
So why is your wilderness such a threat as a woman? because you can not tell the wilderness what to do. You can not influence nor shape the direction in which it grows, and you can not prevent nor interrupt it’s growth once it has chosen to flourish. Wild women represent everything that our culture is terrified of : a woman that lives for our own benefit, pleasure and amusement. A woman whom questions what she is told and spoon-fed, and consciously chooses whether she wishes to absorb this information, and allow it to infiltrate our consciousness and subtly and insidiously tame her wilderness, or disregard it entirely and find her own truth amidst a world full of people muddying along and disconnected from the intuitive knowing of their soul-self.
Wild women are often branded ‘selfish’, ‘egotistical’ ‘;self-entered’ and ‘immoral’, and all for choosing to place themselves at the centre of their universe and prioritise their own wellbeing above all else - all things that the majority of men would be entirely championed and celebrated for. It should not be considered a radical act to live for yourself and to reject the garbage and nonsense most women have been raised with regarding their sexuality, their clothing, their ambition, and their refusal to comply with the path of convention and tradition that seeks to keep them behind four walls, dedicating their life to a man’s success and rise into power. It should not be considered a radical act to make yourself the priority and the centre of your own universe, and yet, it is.
And since most women have been embedded with the belief that to be a ‘good woman’, to be a woman that is liked by everyone, that says ‘yes’ to everyone, that never tests or challenges the conditioning she was raised with, and particularly not when in the present of a man - for her to untangle herself from this programming and begin to get comfortable with living for her own dreams and ambitions, and accepting she will most certainly piss people off, invite slander, attack, jealousy and envy from those less actualised and less courageous women and men in the process of expressing her bigness and her appetite to devour and enjoy the depth of pleasure that life has to offer, is one of the most challenging, terrifying, confronting, disobedient, and yet necessary acts she needs to set in motion, to reclaim her independence of thought, freedom of expression and whatever dreams she might have for life, which she might have buried from the fear of imagining how dramatically her life might change (for the better) iF she truly allowed herself to claim the abundance that is infinitely available to her.
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-This article is original content written & created by Jwaydan. 2023 jwaydan, All Rights Reserved.