The ultimate guide to manifestation & abundance

Product Overview

This is a unique 50 page guide that provides you with in-depth practical guidance, timeless spiritual wisdom, self-care practises, and visualisations that use the power of neuroscience to help you develop the mindset to attract and maintain abundance.


Why does creating the reality of our dreams appear to be so impossibly hard?

The truth is, we are constantly manifesting and in co-creation with the universe, and our external circumstances act as a mirror reflecting our internal beliefs, thoughts and actions. The majority of our beliefs were programmed into our nervous system when we were 0-7 years old. Our brain naturally seeks out evidence that proves whatever beliefs you hold to be correct, therefore what we attract is a result of the energy we embody and our subconscious beliefs. We do not change our external environment by doing more, or upping our hustling skills. Nor do we experience a change in circumstances until we recognise that more than half the work required to manifest is an inner game and requires us dissecting and re-creating a belief system that works in favour of creating the reality of our dreams. Most of us have spent the entirety of our lives in a state of high stress, high anxiety, and plugged into the belief that to push, force, and exhaust ourselves is the only way to get things done. In doing this, we spend an enormous amount of time operating from our sympathetic nervous system which is driven by the fear of not having enough, or not being enough. This uses up precious reserves of our vitality which can take years to recover. However, when we prioritise rest over hustle, and re-train our nervous system to settle into stillness and develop a sense of safety and accept that it is ok to relax, we begin to dramatically shift our vibration so we can align with the future we desire and create the reality we wish to experience.


Affirmations & Guided visualisations:

This product includes seven audio affirmations designed to accompany you in your day-to-day life, supporting you to develop the belief-system and energetic alignment required to actualise more of the things you desire. Each audio provides gently encouraging, uplifting, expansive, heart-opening and feel good affirmations designed to boost your self-esteem, confidence, increase feelings of gratitude, generate inner equilibrium, and help you believe in your own creative potential and power to actualise the life of your dreams, whilst encouraging you to find greater balance amid the challenges of everyday life and embody a state of greater ease, flow, relaxation and trust that everything is unfolding in divine timing.


This product also includes two guided visualisations : 'Sacred space', a beautiful guided visualisation for working with your inner child to create greater nervous system coherence and safety, and profound inner child healing, and 'Embodying your higher-self' a guided visualisation to help direct you into a deeply relaxed state and begin envisioning the life of your dreams, guiding you to see it in great details whilst helping you relax into a deep and healing state, allowing you to align with the vibration that embodies the energy of the desires you are attempting to call in.

• Affirmations for Abundance. - 12:34 minutes.
• Affirmations for Giving & Receiving. - 12:27 minutes.
• Affirmations for Limiting Self-Beliefs. - 9:42 minutes.
• Affirmations for Manifesting your desires. - 8:30 minutes.
• Affirmations for Resting and Receiving. - 8:08 minutes.
• Affirmations for The Law of Detachment. - 10:14 minutes.
• Affirmations for Cultivating Good Karma.- 07:34 minutes.

• Embodying your Higher-Self. (Guided visualisation). - 28.18 minutes.
• Sacred Space for your inner child. (Guided visualisation). - 22.52 minutes.
