Root chakra activation. (Guided visualisation).

Product Overview

The chakras are energy systems within the body which all play a vital role in keeping us grounded, robust, psychologically, emotionally, physically and spiritually balance and nourished. Each energy centre plays a very specific role in influencing the wellbeing as both physical and energetic beings. 

When we are rooted to the earth and our foundations and our sense of self are strong, we feel stable, present and embodied within our body. We have a strong sense of who we are, and even during times of turbulence, we remain anchored and secured to the earth, and we have the clear knowing that the more deeply we enter into the body, the more secure and the more anchored we feel within ourselves. After all the body is our home, and our root chakra is the first energy centre we need to work on connecting to in order to establish this felt sense of safety and this knowing that no matter what happens, we are safe. and it is safe for us to come home to ourselves. 

The root chakra specifically, is our foundation. It is was builds our sense of stability, our connection to the earth, to our body, it is the energy centre that helps us grow our roots in the world. It is what builds healthy sense of self, and a sense of belonging. Not necessarily belonging to a community, but a belonging to the earth and a belonging to oneself. It is the foundation that enables us to build, establish and create all else in the world. Unbalanced root energy can make a person overly self-focused, insecure, unstable, ungrounded, dazed, overly domineering, self-entered and self-concerned, and spending too much time in a state of survival and scarcity.

But through healing the root, we begin to re-establish our connection with our body and build the innner foundations of safety, secuirty, self-condfidence and self-worth that allow us to move forward in the world and create our lives as desire them to be. This guided visualisation will take you through a practical, somatic, grounding process of reconnecting to your root, helping you deepen your awareness and relationship with your physical body, so you can begin feeling a felt sense of being more grounded, centered, and at home within yourself.

Listen to this guided audio daily to bring about a deeper sense of being grounded, stable and secure within yourself.
