My self-healing journal & workbook

Product Overview

Healing can be, and is often messy. It is not a linear journey, and often the things that we thought we resolved have a tendency to re-emerge as we go through the process of unravelling a lifetime of buried and repressed emotions. My wish is that you can use this journal & workbook as a place to meet the parts of yourself that you are still learning to love, a place to practise deep self-care, and a place that encourages you to dream big, follow through with your intentions, and remember to surrender to the vastness of life which is carrying you at all times. There are plenty of practises designed to help you build greater awareness around any patterns, addictions, behaviours, or internal narratives that are contributing to disharmony or unease in your life and holding you back from achieving your visions for the future.


These are exercises that teach you how to lovingly work alongside these blocks to establish a deeper understanding of what you need for your healing and will guide you every step of the way on how to move through emotional turbulence or patterns of self-sabotage and low-self worth towards greater confidence and peace of mind. You will also learn how to build greater nervous system coherence and become aware of the subtle signs of imbalance, and how to return home to your body during times of stress and unease, using the healing toolkit offered in the guide to help with self-regulation. This journal and workbook is also a beautiful space within which to write down your deepest intentions and establish a routine and self-care practises that supports your entire wellbeing. Whether your intention is to improve your emotional and mental wellbeing, heal limiting and harmful patterns/ beliefs/past wounds, establish healthy and empowering habits and beliefs, gain clarity on what you want for the future and how to manifest it with greater ease, this journal and workbook contains the guidance you need to support your journey to become your authentic self.


Please note: This Journal is a digital download, therefore you either have the option to print it off and write directly onto the pages, or alternatively, you can simply get your own journal/ notebook and write down your answers in response to the journal prompts and exercises provided in this online workbook.
