Deep sleep (For night-time anxiety & insomnia).

Product Overview

This is a gentle guided hypnosis to help you drop into deep and restorative sleep and a 'Delta' brainwave sleep state. 

This is also the state where vital healing and rejuvenation takes place which is why it’s so crucial to get restful sleep. Delta takes us into the realm of the unconscious mind. As this happens, our conscious awareness begins to diminish, and instead, we generate delta waves entering into a deep sleep and a very deep transcendental meditation. When we enter in to delta, this is when our bodies work to repair and regenerate cells and tissues, balancing our hormones to help regulate and maintain the correct weight, eliminating accumulated stress and toxins from both the body and the brain, strengthening immunity and helping balance our brain chemistry to regulate our mood and nervous system.

You will be guide through a highly effective yet deeply gentle hypnosis which will begin drawing you into the realm of the unconscious, allowing your unconscious mind to prepare itself for regenerative sleep. It's crucial that we programme our unconscious with empowering and peaceful programming moments before we drift off into deep sleep, as this is when our unconscious is most impressionable and open to whatever information we are absorbing. 

Listen to this guided hypnosis every night before you sleep to significantly reduce insomnia, anxiety, or the fear of not being able to fall asleep.
