Clearing unwanted energy + retrieving your power.

Product Overview

This is a guided visualisation and healing transmission designed to help you move through stubborn/challenging energetic blocks within the subtle body, whilst severing chords with any person or experience that you might still contain an attachment towards. Visualisation is a powerful tool to help shift negative states of being because our subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is simply envisioned and imagined. Therefore, through the act of visualisation, we can use the mind to create dramatic shifts within the body. Mind and body are both interlinked, and what happens within mind OR body, effects the other. So anything positive we do for both or either, will positively impact the other,. Ancient holistic healing traditions such as Ayurveda, Taoist and Chinese medicine understand that the human body actually consists of three bodies. Our physical body is the container, and the densest aspect of who we are, connecting and rooting us within the physical world. It consists of our five senses, our organs, and structures such as bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and so forth. Although our primary relationship with our body consists of how we view ourselves, the food we put into our body and the pleasure we obtain through our five senses, this is a limited experience of who we are in our entirety. Ancient holistic systems understand that although there is a physical body, there is also a subtle body (or astral body), and the karmic body (casual body). Each body contains an energetic field that consists of different densities that vibrate at different frequencies depending on our life experiences. The subtle body contains our emotional history and when emotions such as anger, sadness, grief, joy or jealousy are experienced, these are all things that arise within the subtle body. Energetic blocks commonly present themselves in the form of physical symptoms, mental illness and disease. It is only when we come to mediate that we make space for these trapped emotional expressions within the subtle body to come to the forefront of our awareness, and be fully felt before dissolving from our system. Although we can not see the subtle body, nor measure its presence through hospital scans, it is just as real as anything else we perceive in the physical world. It holds its own vibration that operates at a much higher frequency than solid matter, and therefore it is beyond the perception of our ordinary physical senses. Through a regular meditation practise, we create space to shift dense energy trapped within the deeper layers of the body, and through doing so, we transform and revive our being. 
