This is a guided visualisation designed to move you into a ‘theta’ brain wave-state, helping you begin shaping your own inner energetics through your seven primary energy centres.
Each chakra contains a universe of hidden gifts, potential and vitality that is often blocked from fully manifesting due to accumulated trauma, stress, or unresolved wounding. By focusing our attention and intention upon each individual centre, we help to gradually make significant shifts so that we can begin reconnecting to the hidden gifts, wisdom, intelligence and power that each contain.
During this visualisation, you will be guided into connecting with each energy centre in order to begin activating the gifts and wisdom that exist within each. Throughout the audio, you will learn about the hidden potential and power that lies within each energy centre, as well as discover a simple but highly effective way to connect back into the potential of each, in order to begin clearing any dense or unwanted energy that has accumulated within each individual chakra, whilst developing an intimate relationship and intuitive sense of what beliefs, emotional blockages and outdated ideas need to be transmuted and transformed into a more fruitful, empowering and positive energy.