Cleanse, Nourish, Restore
- Wednesday, 5 January 2022
- By Jwaydan
The definition of health simply means that our vital life-force (prana) is able to run through our system uninhibited. As a result, we feel good, we look good, we do good, and we naturally move in the direction of freely expressing ourselves and achieving without limit. This is not a fantasy ideal of what health looks like. This is an absolute reality of how vital, alive, and radiant we can feel when we adopt the correct practises for our individual mind-body needs, and commit to a specialised programme especially designed to create radical change. When blockages occur within our mind-body system, it is like a river whose waters can no longer flow. When we gently rid the body of old ‘sludge’ stagnancy and an excess of toxins, energy can move through us once again, and we re-establish our wellbeing.
There are few things that can be achieved with ease when we are suffering from physical discomfort, ongoing chronic illness or imbalance. Physical discomfort distracts us from being fully present. Physical discomfort makes us disconnect and numb out from the body to reduce our awareness of the issues plaguing our internal world, oppose to tuning in, and savouring the deep waters of feminine pleasure, power and vital life force that would be readily available to us if we were truly aligned with our body and our emotional needs. Physical discomfort prevents us from showing up to our daily requirements with the level of enthusiasm, joy, focus and clarity we would otherwise bring to the task at hand. Therefore, surely it makes sense that we should invest in our health above all else?
When we have the tools and the knowledge that can support us to re-establish ourselves with the flow of life, we alter our entire experience of reality and indeed, our own self. When we heal, we expand not only our experience of our physicality, but also our consciousness, which aligns us with greater confidence, self-esteem, aliveness, and the willingness to truly engage with the world around us. Everything in nature is designed to stay in flow and perfect balance. When we have moved away from our true nature, we also move away from cultivating and maintaining balance within our own system. But if nature can achieve perfect balance, then so can we, for we are nature. So why wouldn't it be possible for you to access and relish the highest state of wellbeing and the deepest forms of pleasure, when your body is designed to do just that?
Women have been tapped out of their femininity and turned into their masculine for far too long. Although the masculine energy serves us in a multitude of ways, when we abandon our feminine rhythms and desires, overtime everything suffers. Our endocrine system, our digestion, our thyroid, our sleep, our productivity, our energy levels, our relationships, and our larger visions for life. A woman’s state of health is intimately connected and interlinked to everything else she does. And therefore when her health suffers, everything else in her life begins to suffer as a consequence. To realign with health, we need to understand that the relationship we have with our body is a two way conversation.
Energy is down today? OK, perhaps we need to put aside some time for rest and stillness.
Feeling sluggish and heavy? Your gut and liver are asking for a major detox!
Utterly overwhelmed and anxious? Deep belly breathing and some warm chamomile tea to help ground you back into your body.
All these little or larger responses are your body’s way of attempting to communicate and let you know something’s up! But how often do you actually slow down, listen, and make a deep inquiry into your lifestyle choices and whether they're truly supporting you to extract the level of joy and fulfilment you know you are capable of aligning with?
Doing a cleanse isn't a frivolous quick fix for the miraculous vehicle upholding your existence. It is a deep and courageous act of devotion calling you to surrender to the letting go of all that no longer serves your highest calling, and an invitation for the newness of life to flood through you system and fill you up with an aliveness, juiciness, vivacity and clarity which deep down you know is available to you. When we nourish and support the body with whole plant foods, correct nutrition and restorative practises, our bodies naturally begin to realign with expressions of vibrant health.
And so when we support the body to do what it is naturally designed to do, we begin to restore ourselves to a state of perfect wellbeing and alignment. When we invite the clearing of physical toxins, we simultaneously release an accumulation of emotional toxins lodged deep within our cells, tissues and organs contributing to major symptoms of imbalance. We help clear away the unprocessed emotions and traumas that have remained trapped in our system manifesting as chronic illness and other physical misalignment, robbing us of our body's innate strength, stamina, vitality and power.......
And this is how we get all of that back……
Cleanse, nourish, rejuvenate and realign with the depth of your power....
If you are fed up of settling, If you know there is a whole other version of you impatiently waiting to be reclaimed and embodied, and if you're hungry for the level of vitality, joy, and expansiveness that you know exists on the other side of your current reality, give yourself the gift of restoring yourself to radiant health by partaking in this intensive two week, deeply nourishing, transformative programme.
I am here to guide you and support you every step of the way.