A Guided hypnosis for healing your inner child.

Product Overview

This is a guided hypnosis /visualisation designed to help you reconnect to memories during your childhood that carry the essence of your original self. Each of us is born with an original and authentic blueprint. That blueprint carries our unique, personal identity and signature. This is not an identity that is dependant on what we achieve or accomplish, nor our job title or any other labels we try to place upon ourselves. This is an identity that we are born with, a vibrational energy and your individual soul essence which holds the key to us unlocking potent gifts and abilities that we possess at a soul/spirit level.

Trauma, stress, the constructs of our world along with soul loss can temporarily disconnect us from our inner child's healing essence, causing us to lose sight of our innate essence later into adulthood, but through reconnecting with our inner child, we begin to regain a sense of this essence that we innately carry within us. This guided hypnosis will help you re-establish a relationship with the younger aspects of yourself that contain your original and authentic essence, and remember that beyond any beliefs, inner narratives, wounding, fears or trauma, you are in-fact a soul/spirit, inhabiting and experiencing life through a physical human body, and the only limitations that exist, are those that you place upon yourself.

For maximum effect, I recommend you listen to this guided hypnosis often to re-emphasise the energetic establishment put into play from re-uniting with your inner child's authentic blueprint.
